Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Well I will be a son of a gun!

I has been quite an unpredictable spring and summer so far! Started off cold and raining and then went straight from that cold, windy and wet weather into too bloody hot!

Everyone was like 'oh at last' and then into 'ooh its too hot, my children cannot sleep, we have cold showers every night!' and before long I was doing the same!

Then all of a sudden after weeks of what seemed like much more intense and brighter sunlight than usual a series of storms came making it extremely muggy and then it went cool. Only just like the Spring the cool weather has been accompanied by wind and rain?! Bar humbug!

There were some nice moments and only yesterday I was walking back from somewhere after getting a bite to eat and walking home in a westerly direction wearing sunglasses with the sun low in the sky and just the most perfect breeze! Hmm perfection!

Added to this a series of NHS run-ins and two extremely dodgy cameras, one I am still stuck with and I am waiting for the glue on the grip to dry before using it again. It had one day yesterday not being used and now I have added finishing touches....OF GLUE it has another 24 hours, sounds like a film, to dry.

I moved the laptop to the cabinet to my left thinking it would be more efficient having it there and great to work with but this was not to be. Only now and today am I typing this out while glancing into a direction that does not cause pain and dizziness after five or ten minutes. I have worked on my living room too and the Ottoman that now has a set of four Vivariums sitting on top of it as now been turned 90 degrees so if I look 90 degrees to my left I look straight at it.

The metal mesh lidding was loose on on partition and that is currently drying, if not already dry, too! I am looking forward to rigging up a set of light to my own design for these cages and indeed may end up with different wattages with each depending on what animals I keep in them.

At the moment those I would like to keep would be a Hyla (Tree-Frog), or Hyperolius (Small African Tree Frog), in another I always like those tiny Jewelled Geckos found in Egypt. Maybe even a pair Peruvian Beauty Spiders?! Now me keeping an invertebrate?! That would shock a great deal of people and would likely be the first time I have ever done it. Or at least in nearly 40 years that is for sure!

Of course there are the usual suspects that I would grab with both hands like alpestris apuanus and Bombina pachypus. The cages will take about two weeks before completion and around that time there are some reptile shows going on.

So for this year I have also NOT ordered any new Orchids, more is the pity, and no idea when I will start purchasing hardware to build the first of two PC Computers?!

Also I seem to have had a bit of a time out due to the falling apart of my Olympus Stylus SP-820UZ Camera that I wanted so badly and thought would be perfect. In some aspects it was better than the Camera it replaced, and I do not mean the faulty Nikon L310 I took back to Argos and ended up with this one, I mean the competent for what it was Nikon S8200 Coolpix. I am still trying to get over the fact that the best and most reliably performing camera is the one with the smallest objective lens?! Bloody unbelievable. Anyway the grip of the Olympus finally fell off entirely with the gentlest of tugs. I spent two days gluing it back on but did not work due to the cheap nasty sticky rice paper like substance they use to glue things to heir cameras?! Yuck. So I am now on the third day of having no camera and I have now used an epoxy resin to glue the grip on as previous attempts with rubber cement (plumbing glue more or less lol) and silicone sealant have been quite unsuccessful in all honesty. The funny thing is if the epoxy resin work it only takes 5 minutes to harden and I could grab the camera and go out. Only it is 9.22am now and has been raining for 30 minutes and according to the Met Office app, which is admittedly WRONG 80% of the time, will continue to rain until 7pm tonight and as I cycle everywhere and do not possess the necessary waterproof gear to protect both me and my equipment then it is a no, no. That is one reason I always look at the Pentax K-30 SLR, think that is what it's model name is, as it is waterproof and would be good for what I do. Only I also want to do detailed close up shots and so the Nikon D800E SLR is also wanted.

But out of the four main CAMERA companies Pentax and Canon are the only ones that have not screwed me thus far. I used to love Pentax when I was a youngster and wanted to get into photography, somehow ended up with a Minolta X-300 but I still loved it. But I am still a while away from getting the equipment I really need to move these blogs up a couple of notches so I am not sweating yet over the choices, lol. Besides by then there may well be another waterproof Pentax that does all that the D800E can. Or the D800E will be more affordable?! YEAH RIGHT!!

So what with the NHS, people who have the audacity to call themselves Doctors, the weather being too hot, too windy or too wet I have been somewhat...held up and am admittedly behind where I thought I would be at this juncture. Still it matters not as this has just turned out to be a damned good start for 2014. In fact by the time 2014 comes around I should be in the water and swimming like a fish?! Well unless there is the most glaringly obvious and hugest Internet rip off of authors that has somehow been missed by smart investigative journalists, TV News Networks and Ombudsman?! Ooh wait a moment?

As for what has been posted at different stage up until this point things are all honest and above board and EXACTLY how I wanted to play it. I wanted to wax philosophical when I was in that mood, type when angry when I was in that mood too and anything else I was feeling at the time along the way. This would no doubt have used some choice language but that was what I felt at the time and I type 'from the hip' and just the way I like to do things. I did not want it or me looking manufactured and still do not nor will I ever will. I suppose the time it has taken so far kind of works for me as it seems to play along long enough so that what I do or fail to do matches the economy, in the UK at any rate, and if there is ever an improvement or drop then I should feel it?! We all should those of us that exist online to one degree or another and collectively this should be able to be used in our favour.

Along the way I have tried very hard to show that when you do not work as a team effort then as a nation we will go backwards. I am having a guess that the majority of us, like those that said it after Concorde was grounded, that we have gone backwards and none feel that more than the British Public do?! We pay more than anyone else and then find out it is either refurbished and used crap or of extremely bad build quality in the first place?! NICE, talk about getting two fingers up in your face after handing over your hard cash?! Except what I find both amusing and worrying at the same time is that either I live in a nation of extremely naïve people or many media moguls are being bribed up to the teeth to pressure the journalists into submission?! There simply are no other reasons involved and I have been seeing this stuff for what now seems like an eternity. I just did not know just how widespread it really all was and that I found quite disgusting.

So we get hammered and told about team work and team player when what they actually have meant over the last two or three decades is following orders no questions asked! No idiots and morons that is NOT what the word team means you bloody dicks! The government along with the previous one that showed us nothing more than a struggle between Tony Blair, who now looks very dodgy indeed, and Gordon Brown, who I trusted even less, and continued with the new Siamese Twins of David Cameron and Prince George Osborne is a new initiative and idea that has been in place since the inception of that famous Apple invention called the iPod. Indeed and look so many other since they have secretly copied the name of this fashionable device and implemented it into their new code name for the initiative as well as the sub-title.

iTEAM – Putting the 'I' Back in TEAM!


The only thing that I hope and pray is that the British Public learns from this but also that the GOVERNMENT learn from this that you have been heading down this road now since 1979 and look where it has brought us?! We are not at a juncture where it seems like before very long now (January 2014) it would seem like it has been so bad for so very long that we will have forgotten or started to forget when it was good?! Well not me, lol. If this is them matched with the problem of not being able to foresee an end and after a third and most miserable of all previous Christmases going back 3 years or more then this will have a devastating effect on the human psyche in an increasingly and ever growing number of individuals?!

Of course if you behave like the intelligent human beings you believe yourselves to be than you will read, listen and then most importantly ACT!

This is better for me as and IF done correctly and things improve I will make my own income SOONER instead of LATER!!

Hmm I wonder if they, my enemies, have tried using the excuse that I have tried to CAPITALIZE on the recession both national and global to make money or a name for myself?! Well if so …. TSK-TSK!! TUT-TUT!! Still no forethought and just scribbling silly notes on napkins?! No I am sorry it does not work like that and I just kind of blew to bits any possibility of that have I not?! No I only want to change things for the better or die trying?! Well either that or a nice foreign country that does for its people the honest and decent thing would like to give me refuge?! LOL.

So until such a time I am still minus a few items that in themselves will allow me to spend around two months really and heavily putting content on my dozen blogs that will cause it to sky rocket. This is because I have, and always have had, an ability to instinctively know what people want and provide them with it. I can also hold people's attention with my telling of tales that could well pace me in some Guild of the Bards?! I can do this in both factual things as well as fictional too and you can chuck in a whole list of sciences to boot! I can also join up the dots that seems to have impressed seemingly impossible to impress people since I was 14?! Well you had better do a rummage around on here as there are nearly 1000 posts just on this blog alone you know?! LMAO!

Yes these items, sorry I digress. Yes there are a number of things that will allow me to absolutely mount a unbelievable charge at this point in time that I could not ever look back from without getting light headed! Despite the fact I still have no TV and therefore not really able to enjoy my Blu-Ray Discs in GLORIOUS 1080p magnificence the highest priority right now is...

  1. NIKON D800E SLR CAMERA + Telephoto and Macro Lenses
  2. CBoardman Mountain Bike in Halfords @ £850 which will lose 7lbs on current weight
  3. Out of current reach building blocks to at least ONE PC Build
    a) One for work and intended to become a SERVER RIG
    b) Another enthusiast GAMING RIG as this is my HOBBY (YESSS OK ONE OF THEM LOL) and would rocket my Computing blog among others!
Now with those three things as a basis then everything takes off and within just two to three months I will quadruple the numbers I am currently getting. This is just not achieved by anyone and now I know I am building up a high level of trust in everything I say and do among the people that read. In fact one one blog that sits alone and without advertising on it or ever intended to be placed I am now seemingly acquiring followers ever day or two?! I also know that this will increase as more and more see my blog listed on others blogs and have their interests peaked! I also know that within a few weeks of this building up the temperature will be cooling down, well in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, so that much of the UK, EUROPE and the USA will gradually and increasingly depending on their latitude (i.e. outdoor temperature/weather) spend more time indoors on the Internet. So If I was to hazard a guess this will start around September and October in the North of Scotland and increase as these cold temperatures work their way south.

Hmm, you see?! Many things rattling around in my head all the time I have to keep track of and make sense of! Sometimes I see a documentary and it covers something I do and I know that it will peak my numbers for a while. This is getting harder to predict as I have posted about a certain thing a number of times and lose track of how many! LOL.

Added to acquiring those three I also have a set of four glass Vivariums I intend to create the perfect environment for particular species of animals I love. Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, Newts, Lizards or even SNAKES?! SSSSSSS!! LOL. I also have my one metre aquarium sitting empty but set up and only needs the addition of FISH!!! The three bas items I listed above will allow me to do much more work and get much more content for these too and a great deal quicker to boot?!

Of course there are other items I am without and that would help with boredom, Billy-No-Mates (died or ran away), painful chores I have a dreadful habit of not being able to do or avoiding because I know it will hurt...

  1. Samsung Series 7 46” TV
  2. HQ Blu-Ray Player
  3. Dishwasher but will have to be tiny as I am CRAMPED here
  4. One of those little automatic vacuums, lol. How cool and hoe helpful.
  5. Litespeed Occoe with Mavic SLR Rims, Red Magura Marta SL Brakes, SRAM XX Gears, XTR or Carbon Chain-set, DT Swiss Carbon Forks 80-100mm travel, RaceFace Carbon FLAT BARS, Ritchey WCS Carbon Seat-post, Selle Italia Gel Saddle and Crank Brothers Egg-Beater 4TI pedals in ORANGE (preferably red if poss)
    (This is just to replace the one that was stolen by a council and bailiff they got £2,800 for but told me they got £400 for and was also featured with my name in What Mountain Bike Magazine)

What I think is the very sad and the extremely disgusting part about all this is the fact that it has taken me years of being lied to, tricked, physically attacked, defrauded, left in limbo and left for DEAD just to get to this juncture. In just a couple of weeks time in August my corruption blog would have been going one year, well one of the corruption blogs lol. Around ten others were started around September to October in 2012. So for the injustice section alone I have been at this now almost a year which is a tiny fraction to the period of time I have REALLY been on it. This became a large focus as of around 8 years ago and most of my time around 4 years back but technically goes back twenty years. But lets us just take the last year alone and the amount of time it has taken me to highlight all this to the point that segments and elements of my WORK, as that IS what it IS, is being used by one and all from the House of Commons to the tabloids and TV News broadcasters without so much as an acknowledgement. This is to which I believe is the sole reason that many religious leaders, IN THE UK before you all start lol, now see the UK and it's government as being run by evil people that must be Satan worshippers?!
That funny part about all this and to put it simply to those that used elements of my blogs, and proof positive yet again to my over the top accusations of blindness to the point of incompetent and just too easy to beat...

...you have used elements of my blogs and either released bits of info or then proceeded to investigate and got your own info but did it not occur to anyone that used my work and blogs that you are NOT the only ones that have access to these blogs?! STUPIDOLA!! LOL.

Now I have mentioned this several times going back a year now and I cannot stress enough that first off I am NOT in anyway religious, which should be obvious, but at the exact same time Satan Worshippers DO EXIST!! LMAO!

Just as I could not do when it was said to me by a rather and unusually nice Jehovah's Witness, I laughed and said that for once I can not argue with them!

So here we are at the midsummers night night NIGHTMARE scenario and one has to wonder with the run-up to the umpteenth miserable Christmas, when for the first time in twenty years I want mine to be joyous, what is going to happen?!

Although there were some protests and small scale rioting I was relieved about that and I did think it would be a great deal worse then it worse, though I was working to try and show this was just folly. Well just going out and destroying the very buildings that you will then be charged for and they will then use to defraud the public's cash yet again, lol.

This cannot be put off indefinitely but at least this blog now exists as a pure fact and proof that IF the public were pushed into such an act of protest and destruction the likes of which had never been seen then I am here to say that … IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!

I know that an action such as this is only human nature. No amount of sentencing, fines, prison terms or anything else is going to stop human nature, 'NUFF SAID! To punish human nature while those that have deliberately stoked the fires for so very long know so that they can then make others look like they are to blame, destructive and criminal and therefore not worth of any compassion is wrong, immoral and something of a contradiction in itself.

If the tables were turned they would behave the EXACT SAME WAY and therefore they need to be show that having money and power DOES NOT make them a different species to everyone else, just because you have not been put in the position to feel and fear as we have done. Carrying on like that and throughout history, including very recently, it always ends up that those that do not understand end up completely understanding when it is too late. Well it was too late for Colonel Gaddafi who took a bullet to his head! Though I do not think the British will go quite that far but fear for ones life is definitely a possibility! It is called an UPRISING these days but it used to be known as a REVOLUTION and was kind of synonymous with Russia for a long time. In the UK it is only known as the long winded … CRIMINAL ACTS OF A MASS SCALE.

Hmm that is bizarre? Anyone else note how all Dictator's always refer to it as criminal and terrorists and never use the 'R' word?! No not 'RECESSION' but 'REVOLUTION'?! Hmm must be the 're' prefix to these words?! I wonder if the UK government also plan on erasing words with an 're' prefix from history and dictionaries along with the word DISABILITY?! LMAO!

Saturday, 20 July 2013


Well here is a strange one?!

Yes and wow I can't wait and all other expletives you can think of...

...but where dues this leave the Justice League movie?!

As this had been announced for the year in which people were quoting the launch of the Justice League I now, target sadly, cannot see a Justice League film until at least 2016?!

A shame if this is true and an odd decision. Sadly going for the money really and not the fans. I would rather see a Justice League movie. As a kid I was not big on Batman, but Iron Man, but they made great movies. I always saw the team up of Superman and Batman as a but one sided.

Thinking about it realistically all the characters of the Justice League have either bombed slightly, Green Lantern and unfairly, or are unknown quantities. Well Aquaman gets the Mickey taken out of him by Seth Farlane. Wonder Woman needs an upgrade of sorts or modernising and a little 1970's and campish, lol.

As I said previously there are many others in the Justice League roster other than the original line up of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and Aquaman and The Martian Manhunter, Jon Jonezz. The latter could make for a good film and I still believe Green Lantern can do better at the box office! There wad the Firestorm character who became a member and several others over the years.

Now some fans may state that this is not accurate to the comics but only very recently I was reminded of something I had long since forgotten! In a conversation with a mate of mine called Steve we got confused over issue Number One of the Justice League. He remembered the cover quite well and I remembered it differently?! It turns out that he was right and I was wrong...slightly, lol.

Basically I remembered a starfish on the cover and a giant one with an eye in the middle? So we looked then up and it turned out that the Justice Leagues first difference was not in the first issue of their series but that of another! I think it was actually the Brave And The Bold which I think was also the series Batman first appeared. Either that or it could of been World's Finest series, I cannot recall now. Anyway the point I wanted to make was that which I had forgotten while getting list in the annals of history, super heroes and childhood. What I had FORGOTTEN was that neither Superman or Batman were in the ORIGINAL JUSTICE LEAGUE LINEUP?!

Oh and the starfish was called Starro, lol.

Now you think a little detail like that one would remember?! LMAO!

Batman and Superman to team up http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23394229

Monday, 8 July 2013


I was worried about this move due to the fact people complained that Bats does not appear for 45 minutes but I liked it and I did not mind that.

Like Iron Man 2 I felt it did have a fight scene missing though but it was a good story and I bought this and watched it purely because of the same kind of team behind the new Superman move Man of Steel!

This team does seem to like removing the original and obvious hero names from the titles as Batman disappeared after the first film and of course you now have Man of Steel too.

What does irk me though is how they seem to do the secondary characters outfits a bit half hearted and in that I mean Catwoman, though it was miles better than the Halle Berry one.

I loved the story in this and I loved Bane too, despite not being familiar with him from the comics either! Though I did not like the fact that they wrapped up this movie like you had seen Batman from beginning to end until he retires and hangs up his ears?!

Oh come on now?! No Penguin?! No Riddler?! LMAO!

In the case of secondary heroes or super heroes not getting attention to their outfits well for one thins despite Catwomans being a half hearted attempt then Robin's was totally non existent altogether so according to the Nolan Universe Robin never actually existed at all and was just a cop?! Would have worked better had he NOT been who he was and just an average cop.

I do not know if in later years Robin Blake took over the Batman role or not but just seemed not very well thought out. Still it was enjoyable enough though despite that and really hard to split this one from its previous film over which is the better.

Of course now the talk is that a Justice League movie will be tricky with Bats and Christian Bale supposedly retiring. I read on some forums of people saying that the chap who played Robin would take over the Batman role and is why I wondered if he indeed did in the comics.

HOWEVER, the one thing that really did save all that is the suggestion that he had NOT retired at all as he was thinking of taking on a partner and why he guided Robin to the Bat Cave.

Alfred's fretting over Bruce Wayne risking his life would not be half as bad knowing there were TWO Batmans, so to speak, watching each other's back?!

Anyway that was what I liked to think at the end and that they would come back to this story with a Robin, or Nightwing with him?

Even better still would be a Teen Titans movie but if that comic no longer exists it is not likely to happen.

But we have TWO Marvel groups in films now what with X-Men and Avengers and even a third with the Guardians of the Galaxy! DC needs to catch up and I hope they do as each universe has their own gems and it is all good to the fans but young and old like me, lol.

But other than Teen Titans, Justice League and its various spin off groups and Legion of Super Heroes which was set in the future with the main charcters grandchildren, well Mon-El being Kal-El's grandson with a crap outfit, and a load of really cool super heroes like Wildfire and my favourite Starboy.


Hmm finally I get to write something about another comic book movie and this time around I finally get to see Iron Man 2 after being put off from buying it due to reviews.

To be honest I thought it was OK but what let it down for me were two things and one is despite the action at the end it felt very light on it until then. I felt it missed a action sequence/battle involving Iron Man!

Indeed that leads me onto the next thing I found irritating and that is the party scene which despite the interesting part of the story line where he his having these internal battles it was just a bit too much and a bit too far.

If that was edited down and an action scene was in it would have received an extra star than those it received.

Also there is another factor with Iron Man and maybe this is down to me just not being into him with the comics but at this point there has been two films and not a single identifiable bad guy for me.

In fact the bigger badder bad guys have been totally absent this far in the movies albeit with glimpses of them and this includes Galactus the Cloud, A Sentinels head and Thanos' mug for around 5 seconds at the end of Avengers.

I still hope for a proper Silver Surfer movie at some point and hope that if the studio that did the Fantastic Four films ARE going to reboot it and therefore hold onto the rights of the Silver Surfer but do nothing with it I will be madder than hell?!?! LMAO!

Indeed they need to do a better surfer and by that I mean sort out that rubbish they did in the movie about his board as well as what it looked like! There are no American's on Norin Radd's planet it is just an oblong board! With THREE LINES running down its centre.


Well this is annoying as I still have a couple  of films to do of recent purchases and I do need to get around buying others too.

I do like talking about films and analyzing them provided some intelligence has gone into making them.

Or some twat director or write thinks he is bigger and better than the person who came up with the winning formula, changes everything, the film BOMBS OUT and studios are shit scared to spend the money on that are any other similar thing from the same stable?!

Thank heavens that is now well and truly over now?!

So a successful Man of Steel would mean a sequel and a Justice League movie and this appears to be happening. Was worrying when no sooner had these two films got the green light, from a Green Lantern per chance, that MoS suffered a big drop in takings. Big being an understatement that is!

Still I though that it would then level out for awhile and having staying power while those (fools?) that jumped in to watch something else upon its release a week later, then went and watched Superman the following week. Who knows but it did pass the $500 Million mark and for a movie that took a big drop in America the following week is something of a surprise.

What I have found amusing is some of the disagreements that have broken out in various forums whereas if the speclate that it may make more money than some OTHER hero, like one of Iron Man's movies for instance then fans of those movies break out in a cold sweat and react as if they just caught you in bed with their mother?! I mean really over the top stuff, name calling mud slinging, God I really do hate forums. Even when you are so narked by something someone says that you want to go in and cool the situation or put the record straight they will call you a troll!

A troll was given to someone who just goes around forums looking to go in and cause trouble but everybody takes these terms over time and starts flinging them about like it is fashionable to do so?! Lol.

I missed clips of the new Wolverine film and hope that one is better than the last one?! Next up is the X-Men Days of Future Past but I really hope that they do not screw this up, like Bryan Singer did with Superman Returns. Though not a bad movie it should have been better and yes well doing the disappearing act and super son was together a bit much and acted like too much of a dork as Clark Kent for me. Days of Future Past really is one of the most important and classic stories in X-Men's history but at least there were several. I am just confused why it is Bryan Singer and not the guy that did X-Men:First Class when that was so popular and successful?

Get it wrong and I think I know what will happen, there will be a backlash from the fans, especially as The Avengers movie now exists, and they will be forced to give back the rights to Marvel. AT least then after the Avengers sequel they can concentrate on rebooting the X-Men?!

Now despite the fact I want the next film to be bloody fantastic and not another re-write of a re-write of X-Men's history books, the very idea of a Marvel controlled X-Men movie in the making what be enough to cause restless nights and dreams of Alpha Flight, Dark Phoenix and her real death on a moon and that one that took place in space where they are on these huge creatures that double up as ships and travel around....wait a minute that sounds like an episode of something else I watched a couple years back?!


Of the Justice League lot as much as it would be a great idea to stick to the original line up it is entirely possible to bring on no end of other interesting characters besides. Interestingly there is the Justice League Dark group too I only found out about recently. But there were many other great characters that joined up with the Justice League over time. One of which was one whose comic series I bought and that was Firestorm. Oddly enough I see that the current line up in the X-Men has none other that the Marvel version of Aquaman?! He is known as the Sub-Mariner or Namor and there has been talk of a movie with him too!

Of the solo films the Flash would be interesting if done right and so would Wonder Woman. Personally I would like to see another Green Lantern only with a bit more effort put into it. I liked the first movie but I have to agree it could have been better.

Hmm that new Thor: Dark World movie should be out before very long too?!

Sunday, 16 June 2013


I have referred to his as a preview and you will see why before long.

I am gleefully and confusingly reporting that there are reports out there trumpeting the figure of $125 Million domestically for Man of Steel and that here in the UK we had the biggest opeining weekend of $17 Million Dollars which is fantastico!!

ONLY! I am looking out my living room window and it is 9.50pm and not quite dark yet!

Also I am pretty sure that the USA has three time zones which are 4, 6 and 8 hours behind us in the UK so these figures and thereofre that of my last post is absolute eyewash. Unless of course cinema screens no longer open on Sundays and this has not been mentioned nor taken into consideration the figures for takings they refer too?!

So I am a little confused even by the UK reports as they day has a few hours to go yet!!

By my calculations some parts of America still has a ehole TEN HOURS to go which is a whole FIFTH of a weekend and god know when these pages were posted up online?!

I am sure many I was reading were about an hour ago and most stated an hour to 4 hours ago. Meaning the USA had 14 hours of the weekend left?!


The mind boggles!

If the official figure for the UK turns out to be $17 Million I will end up scratching my head in disbelief.

Secretly I am hoping these are a bunch of idiots PREDICTING the takings based on some mad formulae and am now hopig that they are way off there $125 Million and it takes over $130 Million and the higher the better as the more WRONG They all look, lol.


Oh boy am I salivating at the mouth!

I think from what I am hearing I am going to have to do something I have NEVER DONE and attend a cinema screening on my own?!

I will wait though for a quieter time and go down on a weekday during the day and should be easier for me now as I do not smoke so should be a greater and more relaxed experience.

In the meantime though I am having a riot of a time reading about everyone's take on the movie and the backlash against critics that is going on.

First off the studio was hoping it would take more than Superman Returns and would have been happy with an opening weekend taking of $80 Million domestic but someone else was predicting $100 Million though there were reasons given for this. Some kind of studio against studio gamesmanship going on. Right, great.

Right well first it opened with some special screenings on a Thursday and took $12 Million which will not be included in the opening weekend?!

Well yes of course you would not include it as those people would not have gone and seen it that weekend they would have waited a few weeks, my god man?!

Anyway critics lambasted it, and even in the Daily Star on Sunday some idiot gave it two stars out of five?!

You know sometimes when I film opens you can just get a feel of whether it is going to be good or not and never before have I had a stronger feeling. JESUS a few people even stated it was better than The Avengers and that I did NOT expect to read?!

Saturday night of the opening weekend weekend and I was reading on the internet that early figures showed it had taken double what Superman Returns had taken but figures were estimated between $42 Million and $50 Million but the most frequent figure reported is $46 Million.

SO an estimate of a 24 hour period that does NOT include that Thursday night $12 Million. Not bad by my reckoning, not bad at all!

Today a good few hours were spent between me and my mate Steve about how this good but unconfirmed news would effect the making of super hero movies from this point on. I pointed out that I had read that DC Comics based movies only make 46% of what Marvel does.

I found that strange as there have not been many DC Comics movies, not even Green Lantern, though we loved it, lost any cash and forgive me if I am wring but did not each of the Batman movies break records?!

Also was it not the onset of the Iron Man movies and the single Avengers movie of late that sent them rocketing?! Maybe along with the first two Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies too of course.

I dunno I just found it a really bizarre figure to put up. it is not a competition between the two and for me there have been far fewer DC Comics movies and at least three, of which being Batman, stormed at the Box Office.

We now think that this, if it does indeed turning out to be, a successful record breaking opening for the rturn to form of Superman, Kal-El and Clark Kent then the studio bosses will realise that during this global downturn that they have a recession busting formula on their hands with Snyder, Goyer and Nolan?!

Justice League anyone?! Christian Bale back for this?! Difficult to get along with I hope he keeps that part shelved if he does. Superman might biff him to another galaxy?! LMAO!

Maybe we will see a Wonder Woman film and another Green Lantern? Also the Flash too but Aquaman would need to be done right I think. Still there are plenty of other characters in the DC Universe like Shazam! Or rather oddly called Captain Marvel! Also there is the Teen Titans led by Batman's Robin who changed his name to Nightwing.

Saturday, 30 March 2013



Oh my God do I love the characters?

Oh my God...did this hit me straught between the eyes like a slippery and slimey trout being slapped across my face like Rachel Weisz after a wet dream?!

You better believe it!!

Mr Ron Perlman you, my friend, are a genius!! LMAO!

I love the follow up to and I have no bloody idea why this is not bigger than it was, or should I say the second one?!

Do I DARE hope there is a third? Yes and there is only one other film that belong with this BEAT DOWN all others when I hope for a sequel. What is the other one, I hear you ask? X-Men Second Class? NO, but yes of course I do! Thor? No but yes of course yet again...

...no it is none other than WALL-E!!! Yes the PIXAR ANIMATION film?! My god do I live that film.

But for me this was brilliantly cast and brilliantly directed as was the second and I had not even HEARD of Hellboy before this release!! I kid you NOT!!

I do not know whether or not there will be a third one but I damn well hope so and if I ever win the lottery I will damn well fund one and WALL-E 2 to boot?!


Very rare I would go and buy ANOTHER one of a film I already have but IF I found a LONGER and SPECIAL EDITION version of either THIS or Golden Army then I am BUYING IT!!

Sunday, 17 March 2013



I liked this movie except for two things and first it seemed missing something, a good battle scene quite possibly and secondly and I have NEVER forgotten this...

...a clip I saw on TV for this on its cinema release was NOT in the movie?!

Still I did like it despite thinking it could have been better. I think it needed to be grittier, or the Hulk needed to be grittier.

I thought the casting was OK too and always good to see Sam Elliot again, what an actor he is! Well I think he is a great actor anyway, lol.

Some said he was too big and I just do not understand this...too CLEAN maybe but too big?! This IS the Hulk we are talking about here! Indeed in the comics he did go through a number of transitions and looks and even SEPARATED from Bruce Banner completely and banished to another dimension that was a kind of Limbo! First he was GREY, then he was bigger, then smaller and I even here there was a RED ONE?! LOL! Interesting!

I did think it was funny to have both Bruce and David Banner?! Oh and not to forget Bruce Banner played by none other than Eric Banner. Ohh sorry I mean Eric BANA! Haha.

Enter stage right, Mr Elliot was stage left, Nick Nolte! Another top talent!

I also liked the way they tried to get that comic book feel to it and I guess many hated it but I did not mind it at all.

OK it does not get as watched now as much as the follow up one but I DO watch it! HONEST! LMAO!

Saturday, 9 March 2013


Now what a surprise this was and a film that I thought would not entertain me that much turned out to be one of the biggest and most entertaining films I had seen in quite awhile?!

The real bizarre thing is that I could not wait to see the second one but now have currently YET to see it?! This is kind of why I did this as I do find that some reviewers and critics are ... tossers for want of a better word. I was totally put off by reviews for Iron Man 2 when I should no better.

Why do critics INSIST on reviewing films that they are NOT interested in, in any way shape or form?! This is not going to end well. When I read a review of a comic book film I want to read a selection from real fans. From this some will be too anal and far too expectant and not realistic while it will be the other more forgiving types that make you realise a film is good.

Or perhaps maybe it just is crap?! LOL.

Maybe the casting for Iron Man and right across the board was just soo good that it was difficult to follow suit?!

Well I will found out before very long when I order it and find it strange that both Iron Man 2 and Thor are still commanding high prices.

Robert Downey Junior is absolutely ACE in this role and I for one would have lost my money on him not being a good choice for Tony Stark! Really I got that way wrong and am glad I did!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


I really got into this movie but I hated the end! What a croc?!

To be honest I knew nothing about the Watchmen and did not know it was a DC Comic or written by a British chap, Alan Moore I think his name is. Saw him on Hardtalk on BBC News 24 late one night.

It is deep and mysterious and takes a great deal of thought and concentration and I love films like this and was pleasantly surprised. A friend of mine also into comics was into the Watchmen DC Comic and had told me about it several times.

Oddly I did find it somewhat strange that this band of super heroes were not...well BANDED together?!

Also that one of them tuns out to be the villain too was somewhat of an odd one for me, lol.

Still did like it....oh aside from the best character getting killed, Horlux, Hoarcrux, Horlicks or whatever his name was I cannot recall. I loved him!

My Universe was also an enigma of sorts too and I liked that character too, But they were not a team in this and very disjointed and fragmented.

Interesting for me is that some of the characters were closer to what you would think that people adorned with super powers would REALLY be like if they existed today! Dogged by the same idiosyncrasies and vices that affect many of us it was closer to reality than I think anyone has ever reached with super powered human beings.

Hopefully one day there will be another and with the same actors too?!

For someone that never read the comic book and am very choosy with the heroes I follow that should be taken as a high compliment. For me they are higher up the interesting scale than the Fantastic Four and even Captain America?!

I would go as far as Batman too! The movies were good but I was never a lover of Batman and yet they made the character very enjoyable in the films, not seen The Dark Knight Rises yet.

I would be more keen to see another Watchmen than another Batman in all honesty.

Monday, 4 March 2013


I DO like this...but not as much as I should!

I think both the Fantastic Four films were done an injustice at the box office and yes they BOTH could have been better but and this is key here...

...I was not a fan of the comics at all! Never really read them much except sometimes when my brother had finished with them as he loved the FF. But what I remember them fondly for is actually the introduction of one of my favourite comic book heroes the Silver Surfer!

I cannot tell you what my face must have looked like or the feelings I had when I saw that first clip of the Surfer screaming down the side f a building pulling glass out as he went with the Human Torch in hot, groan SORRY, pursuit!!

Searched everywhere for that defibrillator that evening in a mad dash I can tell you that for nothing!

Not enough of the Surfer though. Hated his board but at least he did not look like someone the Beach Boys would sing about!

But the three crimes which were pretty big in my book and ruined it for the most part was..in reverse order of unforgivable liberties

3) The Galactus Cloud


1) The Surfers Board being his power?!

Now maybe it changed in the comics but actually the Silver Surfers board is actually made of cosmic energy and was the very thing used by Galactus to exile him to Earth after turning on Galactus.

The Silver Surfer spent years trying to figure oyt how to escape the confines of Earth to return to Shenn La with no success and even genius Reed Richards was unable to help. It took a remark from The Thing, or Ben Grimm, which he then immediately regretted that led Reed and The Silver Surfer to realise it was the board. The Surfer turned the board back into its base cosmic energy and then was able to escape!

To artists of the Surfer over the years the surfers board is just a board to stand on and not something Americans go riding waves with, with little fin added and pointy front end?! He is an alien from an alien world and himself a geeky scientist like Reed. I bought all the comics and indeed he had several series over the years but I absolutely hated it when he looked like an American or Australian from Bondi Beach riding a board with a little fin. The symmetrical board rounded at both ends with three lines down its middle is the classic board design. Space is a vacuum and FINS have no effect!!LOL!

When I heard there was talk of a Silver Surfer movie well I lost count of the number of times I scoured the Internet for details and gave up on this film appearing after three years. I also hated it when I read that Vin Diesel had begged to be the Surfer but I HATE that with a passion. He was far too stocky I am afraid and Doug Jones would have been great as he was. But with his own voice I think would have been better too.

The film could have also been one hell of a space opera too and there were some great characters that could have appeared, like Mantis for one. The Eternals and a whole long list of beings that would have mane one hell of a movie?! Of course you still had the possibility of a PROPER Galactus! Made me laugh tha they said they could not recreate him! Yes well after being fed T-Rex by the dozen, Godzilla and a managerie of other things a giant man (Honey, I Blew Up the Kid) in a Forked Helmet and Deep Purple and Blue suite must have been just too much of a challenge?!

The Avengers took for more money than even i thought it would and I KNEW it would be popular but if nothing else the creation and existence of this movie DOES show the movie companies the benefits of sticking to LONG SINCE established formula of around four decades and how movie goers respond when you do things PROPERLY!

Hmm maybe they have woken up now and maybe in a few months I should search for details of a Silver Surfer movie again?! After all I did read of a Fantastic Four REBOOT?!

Maybe call it Re-rise of the Silver Surfer?!

Saturday, 2 March 2013


I had heard good things about this film and how right the rumours were!

Yes I was aware from the clips I had seen that they had played liberties with the original story line yet again but still...brilliant performances and stars aplenty doing a sterling job and great scenes.

Oddly this is the best five X-Men, or X-Men related films, so far and not an Adamantium claw in sight which just shows what I myself along with thousands of fans have said, it is the comics, the super-heroes and the characters that make this thing the success it was. It is not down to one character and not down to one actor or director either.

Hmm did Sebastian Shaw actually make that helmet? Cannot remember, lol.

Now they wre working on Days of Future Past, no not the famous Moody Blues album, and after The Avengers success many an age old X-Men fan must be have many restless nights dreaming og glowing eyes and computerised, booming voices?!

I for one know that The Avengers can not only be upstaged but that it IS and more successful and this will start a tit-for-tat battle between them, a la Marvel Comics when I was a kid, that will have us fans throwing our wallets and our mothers at them in idol worship and wanting for more?!


Remember The Avengers is the BIGGEST money maker by far but X-Men were a MORE peopular comic than The Avanegers. Admittedly there was not a great deal in it but that is how it was and there were various team ups and battle between them in little mini series over the years. One particular one I wish I still owned!

My god the next 12 months are going to be mad in around four blog subjects I can think of OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD, lol.

Now where is my Red Bull?! I am feeling light headed all of a sudden!!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Hmm yes what do I say about this? It is OK in part and not so in others...

SO things were just VERY wrong with the story and though I had just left the comic book world when Gambit appeared I did not like the sound of him in all honesty.

However in this film he looked quite an interesting character indeed! Wanted to see more of him.

But you did not and so it lets the side down for me mostly. A missed opportunity I am hoping they will make up for in the up and coming The Wolverine!

I was surprised to pick this up in a cash converter type store that shall not be named for the measly sum of £2.50 and to be honest I should have picked up that it will not be as good as I had been hearing?!

Me dumb arse! Still it was only £2.50 and had it been £18 I would have been squealing like a stuck ... thing! LOL!

Sunday, 24 February 2013


X-Men 3 utterly, utterly destroyed it for me and a classic case where a bunch of names think that they can change what is a classic thing to their way and it will be as good or better?!

I have it and a wince several times on the rare occasions I watch it. Well the pitfalls of being a big fan is you will own them despite them being...well shite really?! LOL.


If you insist on being arrogant go and invent your own group of heroes and then make a movie!!

Where do I begin with this one. Angel is a very late member of the X-Men yet he was of the FIRST FIVE! Played by a bloody great actor and you hardly see him and took bloody ages before I realised it was same guy in The Punisher and my favourite character in that movie?!

Dark Phoenix, who looks crap, kills a man she eventually MARRIES?! CYCLOPS?! NO.. NO  oh you get the idea?!

She is killed on EARTH by WOLVERINE? No morons it was the moon and a GUN... did you even fllick THROUGH X-MEN number 137?! Well yes I owned this and a great deal more besides too.

Still not that much of Colossus either. THERE IS NO I IN TEAM OR INDEED X-MEN?!

Jesus let it be said that this how how you do not do it unless you head is up your backside?!

Did not stop Amazing Spider-Man though?! LMAO!

Right I have the Avengers, sorry Avengers ASSEMBLE that mechano set, and the first trilogy of X-Men out of the way.


Despite being the best of the three by a hairs breadth this one was let down by the obvious...

...the only super villain was a mute and bound to a wheelchair?! The rest was just a specialist military outfit?!

I was really hoping the SENTINELS would appear or possibly the HELLFIRE CLUB or even ALPHA FLIGHT?! X-Men fans everywhere know that the list goes on?!

Also Wolverine is edging ever closer the the fore on the cover and the others are being edged out, someone want his own film by any chance?

Still I do like it but just could have been what eventually became The Avengers.

Do they know that X-Men was a more popular comic than The Avengers? Or at least it was when I was reading the comics that had these incarnations of them at any rate.

Still the Avengers is out and more of the same please!

9.2 out of 10 for me this one.


Right now onto my FAVOURITE GROUP of super heroes of them all!

Classic X-Men but some was a let down, felt under budget and not helped by the now released Avengers?!

Super heroes and history was all over the place and so were the suits. But it mattered not it was good and just felt a little short for me. I still loved it despite all that.

9 out of 10 for me.


This could have been so much better if he had kept his god damn mask on?!

What is it with actors that take blockbuster parts and then are reluctant to keep a mask on and instead find a way of removing it and showing their faces every chance they can?! STOP IT you only ebd up looking like an vain idiot?!

Did not think that the ripped up mask and losing it on the train by Tobey Maguire could be beaten but Andrew Garfield beat him hands down in his first movie on one fell swoop and he has TWO MORE to go yet?!

In fact as I said to a friend who then realised it and it has now spread like wildfire in the community there is no point in the mask now as his display of super human abilities several times at his school that the whole of New York now knows he is Spider-Man if not the whole world?!

Or maybe the teachings in American schools is simply not that... GREAT?!

Lets hope that another one of my favourite comic book heroes does not make me wince and then sob 'WWWWHHHHYYY?!' while watching the next movie?!


Complaints about the Lizard I think are unfair as other then the removing of the mask from every scene was the only thing letting it down.

Cannot believe I am going to give a Spider-Man movie 8 out of 10?! BUT I AM!

Saved by the swinging through the streets sections and down alley ways. Riveting!


The Avengers is a good place to start as I have a copy that is out of the ordinary and was only sold at a particular store.

Yet I bought it much later than I should and at a totally different store I now happen to be barred from for false allegations of swearing, abusive language and sarcasm based on somebody being a fat tub or lard arse?!?! LMAO!

This one with the segmented cover pictures was only available at Sainburys and it turned out to be special as it had TWO DISKS and lots of extras.

I would normally have bought this off Amazon but on the day of release there was a god almighty war going on that would put Loki's to shame?! Turned out that the film had 6 minutes of a fight scene cut, yes well of course you would do that in a comic book film you morons?! Added to this the lack of an extra disc was too much for fans to take...

...it went a little mental and when I saw droves and droves of one star out of five I thought what the feck is going on here? Then I discovered the above and saw people typing out comments like 'RIP-OFF' and 'TYPICAL OF DISNEY' and mentions of LUCAS ARTS too. This totally put me off especially when many were sending them back?!

Talked to a guy in HMV who had got a Steelbook version of this as I was looking at it and I mentioned this talk on Amazon and asked him what he knew of it? He told me he had bought one, grabbed the Steelbook Avengers i had in my hands and walked off to the counter. He did a check on his system and returned without the Avengers and said 'I don't believe it?! You are right! There is 6 minutes cut from the theatrical version?! I am bringing mine back!!' to which I burst out laughing...

...I spoke to him a week later and he decided to keep it!

By now the Sainburys one had sold out and they had no more of this type but I saw it in a Cash Converter type store and decided to buy it, four months after its release! I could not tell where the cut was in all honesty! Which was a surprise and I wonder if the European theatre release one was cut too?!

Oh you and to call it Avengers Assemble was STUPID!! Sounds like a Saturday morning kids show!

Loved the film and loved Mark Ruffalo as Banner but I did prefer the Hulk in the Incredible Hulk if I am honest.

Felt it was a hero light and I hated Hawkeye's costume.

Roll on the next one and I hope they have the Vision and the Scarlet Witch in it with decent outfits, lol.

Close to a perfect ten only in I wanted to see more of Thor as I loved his comics and probably to to do with the fact I have not seen HIS MOVIE YET?!


Right I am doing a series on Wing Chun Kung Fu in the MOVIES on my Passion for Wing Chun blog and now starting one here on...


Like the other series I will have covers of the films, in case some are more obscure or people can IDENTIFY with the particular versions I have got in case they want to find those exact ones.

To give you an idea I will start up in the ext post with the OBVIOUS CHOICE and a perfect example of what I am on about...