Saturday 9 March 2013


Now what a surprise this was and a film that I thought would not entertain me that much turned out to be one of the biggest and most entertaining films I had seen in quite awhile?!

The real bizarre thing is that I could not wait to see the second one but now have currently YET to see it?! This is kind of why I did this as I do find that some reviewers and critics are ... tossers for want of a better word. I was totally put off by reviews for Iron Man 2 when I should no better.

Why do critics INSIST on reviewing films that they are NOT interested in, in any way shape or form?! This is not going to end well. When I read a review of a comic book film I want to read a selection from real fans. From this some will be too anal and far too expectant and not realistic while it will be the other more forgiving types that make you realise a film is good.

Or perhaps maybe it just is crap?! LOL.

Maybe the casting for Iron Man and right across the board was just soo good that it was difficult to follow suit?!

Well I will found out before very long when I order it and find it strange that both Iron Man 2 and Thor are still commanding high prices.

Robert Downey Junior is absolutely ACE in this role and I for one would have lost my money on him not being a good choice for Tony Stark! Really I got that way wrong and am glad I did!

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