Sunday 17 March 2013



I liked this movie except for two things and first it seemed missing something, a good battle scene quite possibly and secondly and I have NEVER forgotten this...

...a clip I saw on TV for this on its cinema release was NOT in the movie?!

Still I did like it despite thinking it could have been better. I think it needed to be grittier, or the Hulk needed to be grittier.

I thought the casting was OK too and always good to see Sam Elliot again, what an actor he is! Well I think he is a great actor anyway, lol.

Some said he was too big and I just do not understand this...too CLEAN maybe but too big?! This IS the Hulk we are talking about here! Indeed in the comics he did go through a number of transitions and looks and even SEPARATED from Bruce Banner completely and banished to another dimension that was a kind of Limbo! First he was GREY, then he was bigger, then smaller and I even here there was a RED ONE?! LOL! Interesting!

I did think it was funny to have both Bruce and David Banner?! Oh and not to forget Bruce Banner played by none other than Eric Banner. Ohh sorry I mean Eric BANA! Haha.

Enter stage right, Mr Elliot was stage left, Nick Nolte! Another top talent!

I also liked the way they tried to get that comic book feel to it and I guess many hated it but I did not mind it at all.

OK it does not get as watched now as much as the follow up one but I DO watch it! HONEST! LMAO!

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