Saturday 30 March 2013



Oh my God do I love the characters?

Oh my God...did this hit me straught between the eyes like a slippery and slimey trout being slapped across my face like Rachel Weisz after a wet dream?!

You better believe it!!

Mr Ron Perlman you, my friend, are a genius!! LMAO!

I love the follow up to and I have no bloody idea why this is not bigger than it was, or should I say the second one?!

Do I DARE hope there is a third? Yes and there is only one other film that belong with this BEAT DOWN all others when I hope for a sequel. What is the other one, I hear you ask? X-Men Second Class? NO, but yes of course I do! Thor? No but yes of course yet again... it is none other than WALL-E!!! Yes the PIXAR ANIMATION film?! My god do I live that film.

But for me this was brilliantly cast and brilliantly directed as was the second and I had not even HEARD of Hellboy before this release!! I kid you NOT!!

I do not know whether or not there will be a third one but I damn well hope so and if I ever win the lottery I will damn well fund one and WALL-E 2 to boot?!


Very rare I would go and buy ANOTHER one of a film I already have but IF I found a LONGER and SPECIAL EDITION version of either THIS or Golden Army then I am BUYING IT!!

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