Sunday, 16 June 2013


Oh boy am I salivating at the mouth!

I think from what I am hearing I am going to have to do something I have NEVER DONE and attend a cinema screening on my own?!

I will wait though for a quieter time and go down on a weekday during the day and should be easier for me now as I do not smoke so should be a greater and more relaxed experience.

In the meantime though I am having a riot of a time reading about everyone's take on the movie and the backlash against critics that is going on.

First off the studio was hoping it would take more than Superman Returns and would have been happy with an opening weekend taking of $80 Million domestic but someone else was predicting $100 Million though there were reasons given for this. Some kind of studio against studio gamesmanship going on. Right, great.

Right well first it opened with some special screenings on a Thursday and took $12 Million which will not be included in the opening weekend?!

Well yes of course you would not include it as those people would not have gone and seen it that weekend they would have waited a few weeks, my god man?!

Anyway critics lambasted it, and even in the Daily Star on Sunday some idiot gave it two stars out of five?!

You know sometimes when I film opens you can just get a feel of whether it is going to be good or not and never before have I had a stronger feeling. JESUS a few people even stated it was better than The Avengers and that I did NOT expect to read?!

Saturday night of the opening weekend weekend and I was reading on the internet that early figures showed it had taken double what Superman Returns had taken but figures were estimated between $42 Million and $50 Million but the most frequent figure reported is $46 Million.

SO an estimate of a 24 hour period that does NOT include that Thursday night $12 Million. Not bad by my reckoning, not bad at all!

Today a good few hours were spent between me and my mate Steve about how this good but unconfirmed news would effect the making of super hero movies from this point on. I pointed out that I had read that DC Comics based movies only make 46% of what Marvel does.

I found that strange as there have not been many DC Comics movies, not even Green Lantern, though we loved it, lost any cash and forgive me if I am wring but did not each of the Batman movies break records?!

Also was it not the onset of the Iron Man movies and the single Avengers movie of late that sent them rocketing?! Maybe along with the first two Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies too of course.

I dunno I just found it a really bizarre figure to put up. it is not a competition between the two and for me there have been far fewer DC Comics movies and at least three, of which being Batman, stormed at the Box Office.

We now think that this, if it does indeed turning out to be, a successful record breaking opening for the rturn to form of Superman, Kal-El and Clark Kent then the studio bosses will realise that during this global downturn that they have a recession busting formula on their hands with Snyder, Goyer and Nolan?!

Justice League anyone?! Christian Bale back for this?! Difficult to get along with I hope he keeps that part shelved if he does. Superman might biff him to another galaxy?! LMAO!

Maybe we will see a Wonder Woman film and another Green Lantern? Also the Flash too but Aquaman would need to be done right I think. Still there are plenty of other characters in the DC Universe like Shazam! Or rather oddly called Captain Marvel! Also there is the Teen Titans led by Batman's Robin who changed his name to Nightwing.

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