Sunday 24 February 2013


X-Men 3 utterly, utterly destroyed it for me and a classic case where a bunch of names think that they can change what is a classic thing to their way and it will be as good or better?!

I have it and a wince several times on the rare occasions I watch it. Well the pitfalls of being a big fan is you will own them despite them being...well shite really?! LOL.!!!

If you insist on being arrogant go and invent your own group of heroes and then make a movie!!

Where do I begin with this one. Angel is a very late member of the X-Men yet he was of the FIRST FIVE! Played by a bloody great actor and you hardly see him and took bloody ages before I realised it was same guy in The Punisher and my favourite character in that movie?!

Dark Phoenix, who looks crap, kills a man she eventually MARRIES?! CYCLOPS?! NO.. NO  oh you get the idea?!

She is killed on EARTH by WOLVERINE? No morons it was the moon and a GUN... did you even fllick THROUGH X-MEN number 137?! Well yes I owned this and a great deal more besides too.

Still not that much of Colossus either. THERE IS NO I IN TEAM OR INDEED X-MEN?!

Jesus let it be said that this how how you do not do it unless you head is up your backside?!

Did not stop Amazing Spider-Man though?! LMAO!

Right I have the Avengers, sorry Avengers ASSEMBLE that mechano set, and the first trilogy of X-Men out of the way.

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