Wednesday 2 August 2017


Something I forgot to mention in my last post was another detail in the trailer for the Justice League.

Now .. I kept forgetting things because .. well that is kinda what I do and it is damned annoying but .. during the trailer as the Bat-mobile turns a corner, I think it was, you hear someone saying ..

"I do not recognise this world"

and then you hear Bruce Wayne saying ..

"You don't have to recognise it. You just have to save it."

Now what I thought was that this was a Green Lantern and backed up the early rumours/reports, that a Green Lantern other than Hal Jordan or John Stewart would appear in the film.

Now this could well be someone else too? Maybe a certain Mr. Miracle?

I now see that several more people have picked up on the fact there were not one but TWO ripples in the glass of whiskey. One guy analysing the trailer even went as far as I did and stated that Alfred looks and notices something in the glass AFTER th second ripple so might even be a third?

Jesus .. if there were three people landing?

  • Superman
  • Supergirl
  • Green Lantern
  • Mr Mircacle
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Shazam
My guess would be that the two or three or from the list above and I only state Shazam here and now because suddenly thy are talking about a Shazam movie after all this time.

It could be a Wonder Woman thing all over again and they are going to show off someone for a small section of the film who gets a film not long after. Green Lantern Corps does seem further off than Shazam.

Also there has been a lot of talk about how Jason Mamoa admitted he had known for several years he was going to be Aquaman but had to keep it quiet. People pointing this out, I think Jaeroar was one, said that Shazam might already have long since been cast? Damned good point actually.

For me Shazam is an outside possibility and only the sudden talk about a movie perhaps being in pre-production or even production, have short term memory issues here, made me think he might just be a possibility.

To be honest I would have called anyone crazy for suggesting Supergirl would be in the Justice League movie. But someone has to point out that Superman is not dead, or might not be dead and get his body up out of the atmosphere. Well I am assuming this has to take place outside the atmosphere because of how he regenerated in Batman v Superman.

I loved Wonder Woman but I so wanted her to fly properly and if there is one thing I noticed about both Marvel and DC films they are reluctant to get their heroes to fly, to fly too much and even when they do it seems a little .. off somehow. I thought this about the films of two of my favourite super heroes as a kid and that is both Superman and Thor. They both have issues with anything that is not a dead straight line of sight flight. I think they are playing it safe and have a little trepidation in the execution of flying scenes?

So far it all looks like jumping really far or hanging on to a heavy object as that hurtles through the air.

One last thing that has been bugging me .. that second ripple? I do not see how Green Lantern would land like that? I mean technically Superman does not actually land causing and impact tremor but he seems to do it in the two films they have put him in. So for me the only other person that would do that is Supergirl and that is why I think it might be her.

Also .. wll with Wonder Woman being so successful and the Supergirl TV series being fairly popular, in its first season at any rate, they might now think they can sell a Supergirl big screen film?

Cast an actress .. plonk her in Justice League for a cameo saving Superman and of the fans go nuts like thy did for Wonder Woman? Quids in! I mean dollars in! Lol.

Yeah so I think that was .. umm what's his name? Abin Sur? The guy that whose ring chooses Hal Jordan, or the purple alien that dies at the beginning of the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie.

Someone that does not recognise Earth can only really be one of two people and that is a Green Lantern, as they have no Hal Jordan yet, or Mr Miracle who is from Apokolips.

I cannot see them putting in Mr Mircacle in this first Justice League film and they did say that a Green Lantern would appear in the Justice League, suggesting an alien Green Lantern?

Just thinking out loud.


Sunday 23 July 2017


I am going to put this here but it will help explain to other blogs how I spot small details.

The trailer to Justice League for Comic Con 2017 has just released and I have watched hundreds of reactions and reviews and something was missed by about a third or more and something else was missed altogether by everyone..

  • "No Lanterns" is stated by Steppenwolf at one point in the trailer ..
  • At the very end where everyone assumes that Alfred is talking to Superman? ..
  • There were TWO impact tremors before Alfred even noticed something with the glass of whiskey ..
  • So it could be THREE impact tremors ..
  • Two or THREE people landed!
  • So my prediction is; obviously one is Superman .. sorry to the dude that insisted in one comment section that he is dead .. your an idiot .
  • The other or others has to be Green Lantern and possibly Supergirl of Martian Manhunter
  • But like I said .. there could have been three impact tremors sooo ... LOL

There I said it and it is dated.

Also ..

That was pretty epic and considering no Superman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter or anyone else is in it .. my God, I think this might just live up to my childhood and the imaginations I had back then on reading the Justice League and the first run in with Steppenwolf and Darkseid?!


Jesus I forgot to add another big reveal .. the music!

Now I did not realise at first but then I started to recognise it. I then thought it was like a remix of music from the Man of Steel.

But then after a while I then thought .. wait a minute? I think this is the music from the Green Lantern movie?!



Finally someone actually notices that there are in fact two impact tremors . though he failed to note that ALfred only look at the glass after the second.

To add a bit more to this the second one was a lighter impact than the first .. so maybe a certain blond haired Kryptonian who actually tells Batman that Superman is not dead which is why he told Alfred he might turn up?

Oops .. forgot the link ..


Actually thought about it some more .. it is Supergirl a the end and she takes Supes body up into space to allow him to get the sun's rays and his cells to repair Lol.

Annoyed I did not think of this before as he really has to do that, as we saw in BvS. Only a Green Lantern or Supergirl appearing can do this. Or Martin Manhunter too come to think about it but ... it was clearly a red cape and that hologram that Bruce Wayne was looking at I think was Supergirl contacting him to tell him that Supes is not dead and she was coming to save him.

Monday 27 March 2017


I just witnessed a clip that has been a dream since my boyhood, and let me tell you that was longer ago than I care to admit.

The Justice League.

Unfortunately I was excited about Batman v Superman too and while it was not dreadful it was not great either. It should have been. It was in places. But overall it was not great and it made some real errors that ... should not have been made. Perhaps Zack Snyder thought he was making Watchmen part 2? Who knows but what works for one does not work for all.

I am rather partial, or at least have been lately, to watching reaction videos on YouTube.

Trust me when I state that I never thought I would get into that.

Other than getting a genuine kick, let us just call it that, out of other's reactions to films I am excited about I also realised I could get a feel for how a film is going to do at the box office.

In my time watching these videos I have noticed a couple of odd things ... well other than the really bad mistakes some make at making reaction videos, in not understanding fully that it is a reaction video they are making and not a narration or commenting video for example.

For one ... I must have watched somewhere between 200 and 400 reaction videos for Justice League and I can tell you that out of all those I think I only watched four or maybe five that did not like the trailer. Considering just how many I watched your talking over 95% liked it including all the people that hated Batman v Superman.

HOWEVER ... some ... difficult to please people, like one that was just offal ... sorry I meant offill ... sorry I meant awful, he suddenly thinks himself a bloody good comic book movie critic and absolutely went mad about the clip and made the mistake that because everyone hated BvS they would naturally all hate the Justice League trailer. Umm ... no. Oops.

Out of these rare dislikes I also noticed something else that had escaped my attention previously and that was that sometimes .... when there is a couple reacting the generally both have the same opinion. It matters not whether they like or dislike the trailer and I only noticed it and remembered I saw it previously that despite their opinion being rare this occurs a lot.


It has been refreshing to see a great many people doing reaction videos also tear into the Marvel and DC fanboys for the things they state. Though to be fair what with several good, not all just several, Marvel films being good it has been more the Marvel fans being petty. Though I am sure if the tables were reversed it would be just the same but the other way around.

Also what was strange about the few that did not like it was that they all have very small viewers whereas to my surprise many of the big reviewers all lied it.

Well except one who like many others made a mistake in pointing out he did not like the CG, not I dumb-arses lol, on Cyborg.

Eight months before a film is released your going to complain about the CG? No that is something you do when reviewing the film, this is a trailer and a very early one at that.

Also those than keep complaining about CG used generally? Umm ... really?! Lol.

Yes because using practical effects is so easy to do.

Many of the films you have had for the last decade have been possible BECAUSE of CG. Let me say that again ... BECAUSE OF CG.


Unless of course you meant to say that the CG was not very good? Then that is what you should have said.

Now I will tell you something else, people complain there is too much story, as in BvS and now some are complaining there is not enough in Justice League. People complained that they showed you Doomsday and now they are complaining they do not know who the bad guy is?!

I have not read a comic, a normal one at least, in thirty five years and even I know the are Parademons, it is Steppenwolf and it will lead up to Darkseid.


Also I really do not know how you can call yourself a comic book fan and complain about this and I could pick apart bits of Marvel films if I wanted to. Like Doctor Strange's aversion to flying despite the cloak of levitation. The corny and cringe worthy part of Civil War where Spider Man is lying on the floor with his face mask half off as if to tell the audience "Look it is really me, Tom Holland, inside the suite!"

I also hate the fact that Scarlet Witch is nothing like Scarlet Witch and she and Quicksilver were not mutants, no doubt Disney sticking two fingers up to Fox.

But I enjoyed the movies just the same, I just squint in places, and I love the fact that they made them in the first place.

The point I am getting at is that one person I mentioned that made a reaction video was so annoyed that he literally thought/wished that Justice League, well he had to, would be a failure and they wwould get some other director in and do it all again?!


No, Mr Awful, if Justice League ends up a flop as you seem to be hoping for I thin you would find that all DC Movie's would be suspended and possibly even cancelled and you can forget another Justice League film for at least 10 years.

What you thought it cost them a couple hundred quid to make? Or you thought they would just turn around and throw another $200 million plus to make another one?

Yeah I am hoping that it is not a bad movie ... I did not mind Suicide Squad but yeah it could have been better. Same with Green Lantern and they screwed up with yet another cloud bad guy and it could have been a lot better.

However ... the one thing that I do know is that they know they made a mistake, whoever was to blame, with the previous movies and I think they planned to go all out not to do it again. Now what I see in this Justice League trailer is them APPEARING to be pulling out all the stops not to make the same mistakes again.

I could be wrong but the trailer gives me a lot of hope. Considering I was not overjoyed at Aquaman's casting but even that has won me over.

Oh and one last thing ... Jesus Christ it shows you how little people understanding the TV and movie industry when they complain that they did not get the actor from The Flash TV Series to be The Flash in the Justice League.

I have tried so very hard to think of a single time in TV and cinema history, forgetting the companies involved that will so no anyway, of when a TV actor then played the same role in a big screen film version. I knew Tom Welling from Smallville would NEVER get cast as Superman, for instance.

I do find it mildly amusing that they do seem to now be being racist towards white guys with blond hair because ... well reasons and all that. I only mention this because you had two blond guys as member of the Justice League and now have none at all in the live action version, lol.

I cannot recall all my Justice League members from when I used to read the comics ... outside of a few, like Firestorm and remember him being introduced, but it will be interesting to see if they keep axing blond characters? Lol. Oh I am not blond by the way, just in case any of the rare readers of this particular blog start to wonder.

Nothing wrong with anyone not liking the trailer an/or the movie but do not act like your opinion will be of the majority without at least looking first to see if this is the case.

Because if the movie comes out and is a smash hit ... umm with the comic book fans, not critics as they are all biased morons, then you will look kind of an arse. Also you cannot base your argument on what critics state as they tend to be against, or at least some I can think of, comic book movies anyway. They would state that your better off seeing some arty film with some rare Norwegian laughter. Lol.

Oddly only two people noticed Lois Lane was in the clips, one even slated her as an actress I thought was grossly unfair, wrong and have never heard anywhere else.

Now this is what I took away from the trailer of the Justice League ...

'Hell ... no bloody Superman, Green Lantern,, Steppenwolf, Darkseid or story and ... it was still bloody awesome!!'

I absolutely and genuinely was not expecting that at all and from a first and early trailer! I had genuinely thought that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 and Thor Ragnorok, now worried after seeing released pictures, along with Wonder Woman were going to be the only good comic book movies of 2017.

Now I have Logan as one of those and we still have all those I have mentioned previously ... umm am I missing any? Lol.

In the meantime I will keep my fingers crossed!

Sunday 9 August 2015


Boy, I have not posted on here in a while!

I kept meaning to and have a lot of things I wanted to talk about in the world of movies. Just that I am embroiled in a court case that has lasted 3 years, the firm is paying for and in the hands of the Supreme Court currently. Though not for much longer.

Oh and I am only involved ... kind of ... indirectly, lol.

I have no doubts whatsoever that by October this year, 2015, most of you ... well most of you that are British may have figured out what this is all about and not from me either.

As for my visitors from overseas, I have 12 blogs and some attract many, many more people, they may have figured this one out late on in the year or early next year.

However I have something I simply could not resist speaking about.

No it is no the absolutely fantastic (Pardon the pun, it was't one lol) Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice trailers that has me dribbling like an idiot. Nor is it the Suicide Squad trailer that I was not interested in until I saw it.

Nor is it the upcoming Doctor Strange movie nor my concerns about the Civil War Captain America movie that both looks and sounds like a very much watered down version of the real thing.

Nor have I come on here to point out to idiots that X-Men Days Of Future Past is actually terrible...what? You disagree? Well ...

I am old enough to tell you that I was buying these comics as they were being published. X-Men were the most popular title in the Marvel Universe and yes ... more popular than the Avengers. In fact this story line was already written and had other fantastic story lines too, like Alpha Flight, the Starjammers (memory might not be too good here), the Hellfire Club, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Morlocks (think the names right? Mutants underground wwith Caliban) and others.

None of these have been done justice and I am getting fed up with first off the effing liberties they are taking with the stories and characters along with the usual movie studio bollocks of 'let's take more profit from the sequels by not bothering with the costumes' eh, Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye which is why I have yet to see Avengers Age of Ultron!

Go on then. Name one cool outfit they have introduced since Iron Man and Thor? Nope, Captain America's does not look like the comic book versions.


Blue and hairy version of Beast was only ever an Avengers character and not involved in Days Of Future Past. Other than the sections in the future and only with one or two characters there was no Nightcrawler, Colossus, Kitty Pride, Cyclops, Phoenix, Storm and Wolverine. Oh OK then ... a Wolverine with adamantium! Lol, hmm have I missed anyone out there I wonder?

The X-Men of that popular era had 7 people in the team. SEVEN. Excluding Professor Xavier. How many did DoFP have in the present day? One. Without his claws!

Oh and I finally see a Colossus that looks like Colossus and in a bloody Deadpool trailer!

Other than the morons that liked it because of a storyline they did not even write one guy and fan of the X-Men once posted "After days Of Future Past that franchise is DEAD to me, wake me up when Marvel gets the rights back!"

Guess what? I am not here to talk about that either!

Myself and a friend of mine did not like what we were hearing about the casting for the reboot of Fantastic Four. In fact if I am honest we both wanted it to bomb in a big way so that hopefully the Marvel properties that Fox own would go back to Marvel, given back or some deal like what Sony are doing with Spider-Man can take place.


Well because of Civil War for one. Pretty sure it has he Fantastic Four and X-Men involved in the comics?

Oh and because of the other rights too! Because it is not just the Fantastic Four but an alien race they could not use in Guardians Of The Galaxy, Galactus and my one favourite the Silver Surfer, which Fox also raped and raped again.

Oddly before Marvel, or some idiots at Disney once again being idiots, started skimping on the outfits and playing loose with characters that have lived for years by starting to kill them Marvel showed how to do an X-Men movie with The Avengers.

Fox have their last chance in production right now! X-Men Apocalypse and the previous one was so bad that I swore I would not watch it at the cinema nor buy it on Blu-Ray, as I had done the latter with DoFP.

So imagine my shock when I see that the film with three white and one black actor in Fantastic Four started getting really bad reviews. Really bad reviews! I HATE race changing characters, do a movie with a black hero for feck sake it looks like a token gesture and bad. Make my final point on this at the bottom.

This was so bad ... no catastrophic that everywhere I looked and heard and read I simply could not believe what I was ... well discovering!

In fact this was soo bad that when someone had something good to say about the Fantastic Four I wondered of they were completely mad or perhaps, from what I read, not very intelligent and missed all the flaws. Of which there were a lot. In fact reading on down the hundreds and hundreds of comments I went through other people that saw the movie accuse those saying it was good or OK as belonging to Fox. Or someone in the myriad of names that are involved in a movie like this. Come on? You must have noticed at the end of these movies just how frigging long the credits are? So long they often have two or three tracks play throughout the rolling. There would also be a long list of Fox staff not involved in the movie and so not in the credits.

The list of things the geeks and nerds hated was out of this world. I had not seen anything like it and oddly they stated it was even worse than the previous Fantastic Four films and Green Lantern. Yeah ... well i never thought the Fantastic Four films were that bad really. Felt a fight light and they could have done better with the Silver Surfer and no his power does not come from his fucking board you idiots. Yes, yes OK I totally agree about the Galactus ... umm ... appearing? Or at least I think he did and yes it felt a fight scene that included the Surfer light too.

They were not terrible ... just could have been a lot better.

Now here is the odd part ... most of the reviews I read of both critics and movie goers stated that the latest one was worse than those three films, oh yeah and I liked Green Lantern but was a fight light and had Galactinitus Disease!

Yet there were some that was saying the latest FF film was better than these?!

Wait? Yes, I have NOT seen the latest FF! But it does not take a genius to know it is bad! Dr Doom looks utter shite, turns up in the last 15 minutes and quickly gets killed?! The action scenes from the clips were cut from the film?! The last fight is the only fight in the film?

I do not even have to talk about the disjointed sections, the things not explained at all or main characters missing for large portions of the film without explanation. No I do not have to worry about that. Or that they were too young for the parts, I knew this one already. Or how Susan Storm was not present when they got their powers. In a totally different way to the story I know, or knew, too!

One surprising one was the fact that there were only four locations in the film. Inside the laboratory is where something like 60% or more of the film takes place?! What?! The short bit in the Negative Zone, or whatever name they changed it to.

Oh and the other common statement was that they were not the Fantastic Four in name, or names even, either?!

Want to know what is funny? I do not even like the Fantastic Four, or at least I did not as a kid but my brother was mad about them and I cannot wait for him to see it and ask him what he thought! However the franchise would appeal to me these days because not only am I technically a scientist, BSc Applied Computing and expert in animals, astronomy and other sciencey things, but I love the films and TV series that portray a brilliant and high intellectual, mad, Doctor like scientists. Well Like Doctor Who, lol. So Reed Richards for me these days is interesting.

Then I was reading with shock and awe on my face as I was finding out for the first time about the tweet from the director, Josh Trank, and the shenanigans that went on with him both on and off the set.

Then there was the rumours, which have enough sources for me to totally believe it is what happened, that Fox became involved and basically did the end of the film. Trank was fired from Star Wars 8 director duties and the actors were called back in to re-shoot, it showed and even talk about a wig being worn by Kate Mara?!

Umm ... I just going through my mind here and trying to remember of Fox have made movies and TV series before? They have ... haven't they?

I thought it was just about bringing famous and popular comic book characters and story lines to the big screen they were and are clearly amateurish in? Sounds like a bunch of morons making their first ever movie to me?!

My word, this movie is actually historical for all the wrong reasons.

I am now scared the film will make a profit because people will want to see exactly if it is as bad as everyone says?! I have even thought about seeing it! I wont though. Just saying, lol.

In fact this occurred to the bad reviewers and one or two pleaded at the end of their YouTube review of the film not to go and pay for it out of curiosity as it might get a sequel, one stating "please don't! I really do not want to have to sit through something like that again!"

Now everyone is screaming for the rights to go back to Marvel. It matters not for a Fantastic Four movie because ... you cannot get them into Civil War as it is too late, or Civil War was done too early ... for me. You wont get a Fantastic Four movie now by Marvel until like 2020 at the earliest if at all. So plenty of time.

But the Silver Surfer?! of the coolest heroes for me in Marvel along with the X-Men, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch (see why I am pissed with Age Of Ultron? Lol).

I actually liked, outside of Electro, Amazing Spider-Man 2 ... which others did not obviously and was a shame for me because ... as a Spider-Man fan I was drooling over the fact that they were heading for the Black Cat and Sinister Six story lines. Outside of Green Goblin, Hob Goblin (don't ... just don't unless you go all the way!) and perhaps Kraven, Venom and Carnage this was the one of the best parts of the Spider-Man series of comics for me.

I have to live with knowing I wont be seeing Spidey and Black Cat and their battles together for a very long time yet! Boo-hoo, lol.

Now the rumour mill is stating, or correctly questioning if Fox Studios hates Marvel and only makes crap movies so Marvel do not get the right back. This sounds ludicrous ...

Except that after the last 3 films ... not giving them back or doing what Sony did with a partnership with Marvel over Spider-Man ... well it will look like they called that one correctly.

I was filled in on the Civil War story by my comic book loving friend, I missed it myself and wont go and buy the graphic novel purely because, and it was not long before the film in production sounded like a watered down version. Also missing other major characters too!

The one thing that is positive for Marvel right now, as I am sure they have caught the blinkeritis bug too now, is DC Comics. Because the Marvel films were starting to look like they were cutting corners on things, like something resembling the proper costumes! Of course this looks to us like a way to increase profits when us comic book fans already know that this only ever backfires.

Starts to look crap or different and you start losing the fans and so take less money.

Fifty plus years of movie making and they have not figured that one out yet. People always say that sequels are never as good as the first and this is why. There is no logical reason why the follow up is worse than the original. Marvel and DC have been going for ... umm how long now?! Lol. The classic stories have popped up throughout this bloody long time-line.

So what other reason could it be? Perhaps that humungous salaries that idiot actors start demanding? I think they see the money the first one takes, think too highly of themselves and that the movie is all about them personally and want a larger slice of the pie. Of course everyone naturally thinks the sequels take less, except the actors who keep upping their demands and you have a recipe for disaster.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy that has lasted an eon in the movie industry who have failed to realise it only affects them. Well all except for one franchise that kept getting better, mostly, and had errr many books, twelve maybe, to work on and just kept on going ...


Yet the rest of the movie industry seems to have totally overlooked the recipe that the Bond movies follow. Make the next one bigger and better and you take more money. When the books ran out they carried on writing more stories.

In the world of both DC and Marvel you have comics that came out every month for up to 76 years!

So how is DC the best thing that could have happened to Marvel? Oh all because of a little trailer that has sent the Internet aflame, including me, regarding Batman and Superman.

Oh I was a big fan of the Justice League and Superman. Second only to the X-Men when I was a kid and always wanted a Batman and Superman movie along with the Justice League of course. If I am honest and when I first read about it ... umm a bloody long time ago in fact, cue shot of Batman V Superman poster in that awful I Am Legend, and I was immediately genuinely worried it would be crap.

Now I will be honest once again and state that as soon as I finished watching the Batman V Superman Comic Con, San Diego, trailer I was ... stunned. Speechless. I immediately predicted that not only was this going to be good ... but it was going to actually take more money than any comic book movie has.

I am going to be honest again. Despite my love for some of the DC characters in all honesty a Batman and Superman movie should not take as much as an X-Men movie. Avengers maybe, but not X-Men. X-Men was the most popular comic. the end. In fact I can remember missing some issues and they sold out and was impossible to get hold of copies! Me and five other comic book loving friends often rifled through the past issues sections of several comic book stores in the West End, London. Forbidden Planet, when it was in Denmark Street, and several others nearby to no avail.

The only comic book series I remember this happening with was the X-Men. Fro the start of the NEW X-Men, ninety something, right up into the 140 plus numbers you had to be quick, lol. Leave it a couple of months and you were buggered.

I have not seen that reflecting in the takings of the X-Men films.

Had an X-Men film stuck to the story and characters and created in the way, or format, that The Avengers was created and you would have something very, very special.

But here in comes the other problem and one that I hate reading about as soon as I see those two fucking words 'Artistic differences'! Sorry ... but the artistry is already done ... you morons!

No this is the bit where I always say to people that another way of ruining a comic book franchise is the Directors. They choose ones that have done popular movies, especially involving action, and it all goes down hill from there. because they get soo much money and so much acclaim it goes to their heads and they think they are so good that they can chop a proven formula to bits, tack it back together, kill off loved characters and people will still love it and it will take bucket loads.

I am so glad they made the Avengers and not because I loved Thor and not because I now like Iron Man because he can make a brilliant movie, see hat I did there, but because it showed that the X-Men films were not as good as people think. Well ... most of them.

The other problem that enrages me is actors going for super hero roles that have their faces covered mostly or entirely by a mask. They want to be on-screen most of the time, umm it is about a super hero folks, and even when suited up they want the mask off as much as they can!

Sometimes this can be ridiculously obvious to the point it is lame, stupid and renders the story making no sense at all, a la Amazing Spider-Man. Other times it is just blatantly obvious like Iron Man 2 ... umm possibly the third but was so bad I cannot remember any part of the film, lol.

Choose a super hero without a mask you bloody lame and insecure egotistical ducks! Don't ask, first thing that popped into my head that was not rude or a profanity, lol.

Oh yeah and despite the three plus race changes I am still waiting for one to be turned into a Chinese guy, a Japanese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Indian, Spanish, Mexican, Russian, Turkish, Greek, Arab or Aborigine! Hmm have I missed any races out? LMAO!

I have been trying to work out of Fox are trying hard to not look racist or whether nor not only one race complains about things? I would not know to ether of these but I find it bizarre to change a hero from one race to another or from one gendre to another.

A woman as Doctor Who would be sacrilege, but if Doctor Donna got her own series and Tardis I would bloody well watch that!

I do not like things that are forcibly changed to appease some group or other when it is something that has been a certain way for fifty or sixty years. You cannot appease everyone! Do not believe me?

Right ... can all the Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Spanish, Irish, Scandinavian, Peruvian, Taiwanese, Indian, Mauritian, Haitian, Argentine and actors and actresses of any other race place start sending letters campaigning the use of your races in Marvel and DC roles to the following addresses please ....

Oh ... lol, I do not have them. Well I am sure you can find the addresses of the headquarters of these studios on the Internet.

Or just send them to your local or national newspapers, lol.

You see on my other blogs I believe in being fair too! And fair is fair, not some token gestures to avoid complaints ... or as the case may be to stifle complaints.

Toss into this mix the simple and long since obvious, or should have been, fact that if you mess with a long established and highly popular formula you are going to end up with goo. Sometimes very smelly goo too!

Now to cap that little part off nicely ... err they do spend a lot of money on these to get fans to go in droves to see them and therefore make money?

As Stan Lee once said ...''nuff said'.

Saturday 10 January 2015


Well I had a few comics re-emerge from my past over Christmas.

This was a select few I seem to have while some bloody gems numbering around 200 vanished without trace some time ago. Some theories on this in my description on my YouTube account.

A few of my old coins have turned up too!

So you see I really DO have a history with both Marvel and DC Comics, lol.

Thursday 13 November 2014


Well due to one thing and another... well lots of things and others I have not posted in here in awhile.

Though with a few things I have read that have excited me and watching the film of one of my favorite childhood stories that disappointed me I thought it high time I did start posting again.

There have been lots of rumours to and likely many more to come throughout 2015 that a steady stream of posts should now occur? With a bit if luck.

There had been an abundance of films based on mostly Marvel and some DC characters and now we know that in the next five years there seems to be about 20 of them.

It is a dizzying amount but only because I loved all this stuffed as a kid and almost all, but one, of my favorite characters are going to get the big film treatment. In fact asking the way there are those films based on comics I never read very much of our any at all as a kid and was not interested in hearing if the filming of, often thinking I would rather have seen something else get made. Two of these comic titles turned into the greatest of films and then some. I also soon realised that one is not to dissimilar to the one character who had only appeared in one film that did not do him justice.

The first title that surprised me was Iron Man. Apart from the sequels that were not up to the first film he had been great in the other two.

The second title is a much more recent one of The Guardians Of The Galaxy! I was not even familiar with them and a friend will was explained the story behind them. Shock horror that when I saw it I loved it and cannot wait for it to come out on Blu-Ray. Not long to wait. Shock number two was one of the group being the daughter of Thanos! I did say that one of my favorite characters was not to dissimilar? Well I would not be surprised to hear he had run into them over the years being space based himself. Also I am sure he ran into Thanos a few times too?

That would be the Silver Surfer of course.

The odd thing is that the space based movie of The Guardians Of The Galaxy doing so bloody well spawns a second confirmed movie meaning that the Silver Surfer will look a lot more appealing. Just remember is surf board is not that which you see on an American beach anywhere and that he is alien. Not an American on an alien planet, lol. I do so hate it when the deviate from the original concept and story.

Something I will get to touch base on a few times no doubt.

Now we can look forward to other Marvel films in Ant-Man, another one I was not interested in, Doctor Strange which I am very interested in, Captain Marvel based on the character Carol Danvers I am not familiar with but followed the original version until he died, later replaced by an awful character with a rubbish costume looking like a bad copy of Storm of the X-Men.

Of course Quicksilver will be returning after some plastic surgery in Avengers Age Of Ultron along with his sister Scarlet Witch and Vision, an android. I hope the outfits are way better than the pictures I have seen?! Yyyyuck! Well Vision looked OK from the drawings I saw.

There are a few others I have current forgotten due to some goings on and the head spinning announcement regarding DC films now heading our way. The Man Of Steel was very good and now he battles then teams up with The Batman. Oddly one of my lesser favorites and never read the comics. However who is not familiar with the iconic caped crusader and he did feature strongly in another of my favorite titles the Justice League. For those uninitiated this was a group of super heroes of the biggest names of them all in Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern and Aquaman along with the lesser known Martian Manhunter. Interestingly you should know that Superman did not feature in the very first comic. Not Justice League Number one but the one before that. The Martian Manhunter did however so would be odd without him, lol.

Later on the were pretty interesting characters added to the roster like Firestorm, Red Tornado, Guy Gardener (another Green Lantern) and Shazam. Probably several other big and interesting names I cannot recall.

Shazam has now been confirmed as an upcoming movie and I hear rumors of the Legion Of Super Heroes (an interesting take in DC characters of the future including Mon-El, Kal-El's grandson... yes Superman). The had been talk of The Teen Titans too. That would have Batman's Robin in charge (though named Nighthawk and better outfit) with Starfire, Changeling.. err and some others, lol. Good God I used to read that title too! My memory!

So am interesting few years ahead that is for sure. A shame my Dad is not here as he would have loved all this stuff.

Wednesday 1 January 2014


Sorry for the gaps from time to time. I have had a battle with both my health and the NHS for over twelve years now. My health driving me nuts and the NHS constantly refusing to admit that I have one and telling me repeatedly that there is no such condition that matches my symptoms.

Now due to the fact that Doctors and Hospitals all like to deal with one thing at a time, oddly the same as the government and the DWP so your getting knowingly screwed, this has caused me considerable grief, pain, problems financially as well as he fact that dozens of realtionships broke down over the years.

Indeed it may be surprised to know that everything I state that I have achieved both on this blog and my others, the one on corruption will hurt your eyes that is for sure, I achoieved while suffering from this condition, including my degree!

I wrongly self diagnosed myself with something called Charcot Marie Tooth Syndrome and not only was this entertained by thge NHS, as they sent me for tests that were nagative and basically said 'oh well there is nothing else out there it can be' I then ran across the correct condition. AT the same time I was prescribed two drugs consecutively that in over 15 years were the first drugs to ever work on any of my pains. They were not non-steroidal ab=nti-inflammatories either and were Gabapentin and Amitriptyline. After a failed effor to say I was mad I was then kicked off my last GP surgery for insinating violent conduct. Bullshit basically and am now on my fourth GP with the same catchment area.

For the first time ever since I have liobved in this area my NEW and FOURTH GP offered an aover forties halth test to which I agreed. Just as well becuase I not only failed everything miserbale but they discovered an infection and a possible peoblem with my kidneys. I have had to have further blood tests amd now have to have an ultrasound on my kidneys in a few weeks, wonder if they will lie about this ultrasound like they did the last one?!

There is also an official complaint and as I had the excuse and have a blog about corruption in the UK government and public offices I approached the GMC expecting them to nothing, which is what I had hoped as it goes along with everything else I say about the UK. They did better than this and helped the GP kick off the register by showing him a letter saying that he was so rude, arrogant and lying to my face I wanted to break his jaw and likely will so if I was put through that again. Bein responsible I was not planning to return to such an imcompatent and arrogant twat who was really merely just a nobody dickhead, lol.

Ss as well as all this I have had to find a new GP, and then I was frefused my repeat prescriptions, which have all been wrong and screwing up my kidneys for years it seems now, to which it was hinted at bh NHS England that I would get my pills if I dropped my official complaint.

I said NO of course and unlucky for them I had already charged into the surgery and obtained the prescription, lol. I did wonder why they seem to have difficulty finding it and were holding back to giving it to me? I think they held the NHS to ransom because whatever my problem is they do not deem it their fault.

But it was and it is, though the NHS headquerters are much more to blame too. But to understand how that all works and how I provied it you would have to read my blog. It is all there too just so no one can get into any doubts or post any comments on there, despite one air-head doing that, lol. Hours of recorded audio of Doctors lying, most I prove by other means and one Doctor at Chase Farm Hospital being pulled to acount by me and admitting it on a recording. So arrogant and confident that he did not send the amended letter to my GP and sent the first one with lies?!

There are a great many Doctors and specialists with heads of departments that I have on tape and documents for and it is bo no means all, not even half of it, not even close. I have Police and Detectives doing the exact same thing along with Local Government and almost all Ombudsman.

Due to all this and the very recent fiascoes with people with public offices I have been a little rushed around. I also have held back from admitting for years that I am forgetful as many Doctors just roll their eyes at you and you just end up wanting to punch their over arrogant faces that suffer with deluisions of grandeur. This is because when you tryo to explain their errors and that tiy are just as intellgigent than they are they just shut you off mid sentence, which is of course RUDE. So they have brought much of this on themselves both what I have done and what I will do throught 2014.

As for this condition that causes me in the region of 110 symptoms, give or take 10, that I have Doctors repeatedly stating on tape does not exist?!

Oh well that would ne FIBROMYALGIA and for those that know me or used to know me it causes all my problems in all four limbs, feet, knees, shoulder and back/neck and is also behiond my skin conditions, night blindness and also even my heartburn. Which means I have only ever had ONE corrupt diagnosis off the NHS in 26 years and have been given the wrong pills all this time which is why the new GP looks concerned!

Oh yes and it causes short term memory problems too! Oh yes and it causes short term memory problems too?! Sorry...I just could not resist that one. But it does though so every GP I wanted to punch for roling theor eyes was in the wrong and I habe now proved myself correct as I stated all along for over 13 years.

Hemce all this has had a negative effect on anything I tried to start, c reate for myself or startung any careers. Just so that you know that when I disappear for a bit there is normally some good reason behind it.  I apologise fore my absences nevertheless.

Rest assured though that this condition that they have repeatedly told me does not exist does do and I have now found it. I also found that there is a large department for it at one of the most famous hospitals in the country, being Guy's Hospital, fancy that?

You may now be wondering the same things I have been asking myself since I found the hell can so many GPs, Orthopaedics, Podiatrists, Rheumatologists, Physiotherapists, Head of Departments, Nurses, Back Specialists and Pain Consultants all not know about Fibromyalgia and what is catered for at Guy's Hospital?! HOW?!?!

Well they all do have one thing in common...

...they are ALL NHS and as I long stated on my corruption blog, the NHS is corrupt and has been lying to patients for bloody years.

By the way do not try to defend them if you was diagnosed with a condition that they cannot possibly state does not exist. Becuase that simply is not fair in all honesty. I cannot say that my living room is painted black because people will see when they come around that it is painted white.

But rest assured if you feel that you are being messed about then you are and I am living proof, as is all my proof, as to how and why they are doing it.

I am on the verge now of being referred to Guy's bloody well hopefully this blog and all my other blogs can resume to normal speed and if the NHS, the DWP and Enfield COuncil do as they are fecking saupposed to do the amount of work I will put into these blogs will grow expomnnentially, of that I assure you.