Monday, 27 March 2017


I just witnessed a clip that has been a dream since my boyhood, and let me tell you that was longer ago than I care to admit.

The Justice League.

Unfortunately I was excited about Batman v Superman too and while it was not dreadful it was not great either. It should have been. It was in places. But overall it was not great and it made some real errors that ... should not have been made. Perhaps Zack Snyder thought he was making Watchmen part 2? Who knows but what works for one does not work for all.

I am rather partial, or at least have been lately, to watching reaction videos on YouTube.

Trust me when I state that I never thought I would get into that.

Other than getting a genuine kick, let us just call it that, out of other's reactions to films I am excited about I also realised I could get a feel for how a film is going to do at the box office.

In my time watching these videos I have noticed a couple of odd things ... well other than the really bad mistakes some make at making reaction videos, in not understanding fully that it is a reaction video they are making and not a narration or commenting video for example.

For one ... I must have watched somewhere between 200 and 400 reaction videos for Justice League and I can tell you that out of all those I think I only watched four or maybe five that did not like the trailer. Considering just how many I watched your talking over 95% liked it including all the people that hated Batman v Superman.

HOWEVER ... some ... difficult to please people, like one that was just offal ... sorry I meant offill ... sorry I meant awful, he suddenly thinks himself a bloody good comic book movie critic and absolutely went mad about the clip and made the mistake that because everyone hated BvS they would naturally all hate the Justice League trailer. Umm ... no. Oops.

Out of these rare dislikes I also noticed something else that had escaped my attention previously and that was that sometimes .... when there is a couple reacting the generally both have the same opinion. It matters not whether they like or dislike the trailer and I only noticed it and remembered I saw it previously that despite their opinion being rare this occurs a lot.


It has been refreshing to see a great many people doing reaction videos also tear into the Marvel and DC fanboys for the things they state. Though to be fair what with several good, not all just several, Marvel films being good it has been more the Marvel fans being petty. Though I am sure if the tables were reversed it would be just the same but the other way around.

Also what was strange about the few that did not like it was that they all have very small viewers whereas to my surprise many of the big reviewers all lied it.

Well except one who like many others made a mistake in pointing out he did not like the CG, not I dumb-arses lol, on Cyborg.

Eight months before a film is released your going to complain about the CG? No that is something you do when reviewing the film, this is a trailer and a very early one at that.

Also those than keep complaining about CG used generally? Umm ... really?! Lol.

Yes because using practical effects is so easy to do.

Many of the films you have had for the last decade have been possible BECAUSE of CG. Let me say that again ... BECAUSE OF CG.


Unless of course you meant to say that the CG was not very good? Then that is what you should have said.

Now I will tell you something else, people complain there is too much story, as in BvS and now some are complaining there is not enough in Justice League. People complained that they showed you Doomsday and now they are complaining they do not know who the bad guy is?!

I have not read a comic, a normal one at least, in thirty five years and even I know the are Parademons, it is Steppenwolf and it will lead up to Darkseid.


Also I really do not know how you can call yourself a comic book fan and complain about this and I could pick apart bits of Marvel films if I wanted to. Like Doctor Strange's aversion to flying despite the cloak of levitation. The corny and cringe worthy part of Civil War where Spider Man is lying on the floor with his face mask half off as if to tell the audience "Look it is really me, Tom Holland, inside the suite!"

I also hate the fact that Scarlet Witch is nothing like Scarlet Witch and she and Quicksilver were not mutants, no doubt Disney sticking two fingers up to Fox.

But I enjoyed the movies just the same, I just squint in places, and I love the fact that they made them in the first place.

The point I am getting at is that one person I mentioned that made a reaction video was so annoyed that he literally thought/wished that Justice League, well he had to, would be a failure and they wwould get some other director in and do it all again?!


No, Mr Awful, if Justice League ends up a flop as you seem to be hoping for I thin you would find that all DC Movie's would be suspended and possibly even cancelled and you can forget another Justice League film for at least 10 years.

What you thought it cost them a couple hundred quid to make? Or you thought they would just turn around and throw another $200 million plus to make another one?

Yeah I am hoping that it is not a bad movie ... I did not mind Suicide Squad but yeah it could have been better. Same with Green Lantern and they screwed up with yet another cloud bad guy and it could have been a lot better.

However ... the one thing that I do know is that they know they made a mistake, whoever was to blame, with the previous movies and I think they planned to go all out not to do it again. Now what I see in this Justice League trailer is them APPEARING to be pulling out all the stops not to make the same mistakes again.

I could be wrong but the trailer gives me a lot of hope. Considering I was not overjoyed at Aquaman's casting but even that has won me over.

Oh and one last thing ... Jesus Christ it shows you how little people understanding the TV and movie industry when they complain that they did not get the actor from The Flash TV Series to be The Flash in the Justice League.

I have tried so very hard to think of a single time in TV and cinema history, forgetting the companies involved that will so no anyway, of when a TV actor then played the same role in a big screen film version. I knew Tom Welling from Smallville would NEVER get cast as Superman, for instance.

I do find it mildly amusing that they do seem to now be being racist towards white guys with blond hair because ... well reasons and all that. I only mention this because you had two blond guys as member of the Justice League and now have none at all in the live action version, lol.

I cannot recall all my Justice League members from when I used to read the comics ... outside of a few, like Firestorm and remember him being introduced, but it will be interesting to see if they keep axing blond characters? Lol. Oh I am not blond by the way, just in case any of the rare readers of this particular blog start to wonder.

Nothing wrong with anyone not liking the trailer an/or the movie but do not act like your opinion will be of the majority without at least looking first to see if this is the case.

Because if the movie comes out and is a smash hit ... umm with the comic book fans, not critics as they are all biased morons, then you will look kind of an arse. Also you cannot base your argument on what critics state as they tend to be against, or at least some I can think of, comic book movies anyway. They would state that your better off seeing some arty film with some rare Norwegian laughter. Lol.

Oddly only two people noticed Lois Lane was in the clips, one even slated her as an actress I thought was grossly unfair, wrong and have never heard anywhere else.

Now this is what I took away from the trailer of the Justice League ...

'Hell ... no bloody Superman, Green Lantern,, Steppenwolf, Darkseid or story and ... it was still bloody awesome!!'

I absolutely and genuinely was not expecting that at all and from a first and early trailer! I had genuinely thought that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 and Thor Ragnorok, now worried after seeing released pictures, along with Wonder Woman were going to be the only good comic book movies of 2017.

Now I have Logan as one of those and we still have all those I have mentioned previously ... umm am I missing any? Lol.

In the meantime I will keep my fingers crossed!